What An Expert Wants You To Know About This Treatment For Menopausal Hair Loss
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If your ponytail is not as bouncy as it once was, or your hair is simply not as lush, soft, or full, you’re not alone. Nearly 50 percent of women going through menopause, typically in their 40s and beyond, will experience moderate to excessive hair loss, shedding, and thinning. Happily, there are now topical treatments for these issues that can be conducted in-office or at home to bolster significant growth with zero down time or negative effects. Among the latest is the Calecim Professional Advanced Hair Program, which features PTT-6, a proprietary ingredient with a high concentration of stem-cell-derived actives that yield impressive results in treating hair loss of all kinds.
What Causes Menopausal Hair Loss?
Estrogen is believed to stimulate hair growth, so when levels of the hormone decrease, it directly affects your strands. During perimenopause, the active phase (aka the anagen phase) of the hair-growth cycle is noticeably reduced, resulting in less growth and less renewal; you may notice thinning at the sides of the temples, or simply that your hair is not growing as fast or as long as it once did. Factor in the potential for additional shedding from stress or vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and hair loss can become all the more pronounced.
The lower estrogen levels associated with perimenopause can also lead to newfound scalp issues, including a decrease in sebum production that can leave strands feeling dry, brittle, and weak. This exacerbated dryness, too, can make hair more prone to breakage.
How Can Menopausal Hair Loss Be Treated?
Kelly Morrell, an aesthetic practitioner who is the founder of a hair-loss clinic in the U.K., recommends seeing a professional at the first sign of thinning or the loss of more hair than usual. “The longer you wait, the worse it can get,” she says. “If you let it progress, you may have fewer treatment options—because you have to have hair follicles to stimulate, and they can die off completely in extreme cases.”
As part of a treatment plan, she first has clients do a thorough blood panel. These tests can detect abnormal or low hormonal levels, as well as download a dietary profile that shows a patient’s levels of hair-essential nutrients like vitamin Bs, essential minerals, and amino acids. Then she curates a personalized in-clinic or at-home treatment regimen, as well as recommended lifestyle and diet changes that can help boost hair growth.

“I always tell my patients to start with freshly washed hair,” says Morrell. Next, you use the included derma-stamp tool to thoroughly prep your scalp for the serum in sections, being sure to cover it all. “Then angle the applicator of the PTT-6 serum toward your scalp and apply, making sure it’s properly rubbed in,” she continues. “Allow it to dry for 20 minutes [before styling].”
Although the serum can be applied day or night, Morrell notes that treatment in the evening may be more convenient. “I suggest not shampooing for 24 to 48 hours after treatment,” she says. “This not only allows the small punctures to the scalp to heal, but allows the treatment to remain on the scalp for as long as possible.”
Most hair-loss plans, according to Morrell, are slow to show results and can require a minimum of three to six months to produce any noticeable change. “What is surprising with the Advanced Hair System is how much quicker we see results,” she says. The hair-restoration program is designed to be used for six weeks (though Morrell sometimes recommends a second series in advanced cases). After the series is complete, she suggests using the treatment one to two times per week or even once a month thereafter for upkeep. Your doctor or a hair-growth expert will be able to work with you to craft a customized plan.