Watch your favourite products show up at your door automatically and save up to 20%!
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Receive what you need, when you need it, no more or no less
Free delivery
Reliable, fast and convenient. The level of service that you deserve
Crtl, Alt or Del
Pause or cancel your plan after a minimum of 3 delivery cycles

Subscribe & Save up to 20%!


  • Select ‘Subscribe & Save’ when purchasing products
  • Select the delivery frequency according to your preference
  • Change the delivery frequency anytime, and feel free to pause or cancel after 3 delivery cycles
  • Contact us at if you need any help
  • Kick back as the good stuff comes your way


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If you have any other enquiries, please reach out to us on chat. We will respond within 48 hours.
Where can I manage my Auto-Replenish subscription?
You can login here to manage your subscription.

Alternatively, if you are already logged in, you can also visit the My Account page and click on "Manage Auto-Replenish".
How does Auto-Replenish work?
You can locate your desired product on the website. If it's available to order through our Auto-Replenish service, you will be given the choice to opt in for convenient, hassle-free delivery on a regular basis, customized to your desired schedule.

Once you've placed the order, your product will be shipped to you automatically according to your preferences. We'll even send you an email before it's due to be dispatched.
Can I earn and redeem CALECIM® Coins on my Auto-Replenish order?
Yes. You'll automatically accrue CALECIM® Coins on every Auto-Replenish order that's processed.
How much I will save while buying products on an Auto-Replenish basis?
You will save 20% for full-sized products.
What products are eligible for Auto-Replenish?
All full-sized products (including Advanced Hair System). Starter size products and product bundles are not eligible for the Auto-Replenish program.
What is the minimum commitment period for Auto-Replenish?
You can cancel your Auto-Replenish order anytime after 3 delivery cycles. However, you won’t be able to cancel your order before that.
Can I cancel my Auto-Replenish anytime?
You can only cancel your Auto-Replenish order after 3 delivery cycles.
Can I apply other discount codes to Auto-Replenish products?
The Auto-Replenish products are already discounted and further discounts are not applicable.
What is the frequency of Auto-Replenish?
You can order Auto-Replenish products every 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 weeks.
What if I'd like to switch between products?
You can switch between the products without having to cancel your order. Please contact us at and we will help to change it for you.
What if I need to change how frequently I receive my order?
You can change the frequency at any time. Simply login to the Customer Portal, navigate to the Subscriptions tab and click on the subscription that you would like to change.
Can I skip a specific Auto-Replenish order?
Yes, simply login to the Customer Portal, navigate to the Upcoming Orders tab, you should see something like the screenshot below.

Click on the upcoming order that you would like to skip, then click on the Skip Order button circled in the screenshot below.

What if I'd like to change the delivery date of a specific Auto-Replenish order?
Sure, simply login to the Customer Portal, navigate to the Upcoming Orders tab. Click on the upcoming order that you would like to change.

Next, click on the Order date section.

A popup calendar will appear, allowing you to update the next order date.

What if I need to change my shipping address?
No problem. You can change your shipping addresses without having to cancel your Auto-Replenish order. Simply login to the Customer Portal, navigate to the Subscriptions tab and click on the subscription that you would like to change. The updated address will apply for all future recurring orders in your selected subscription.

Click on the Shipping Address section to edit it.

What if I'd like to change my payment method?
Simply login to the Customer Portal, navigate to the Payment Methods tab. Look for the saved payment method that you would like to change, then click on the Edit button.

What if my payment fails?
We'll automatically try charging any failed payments every 2 days, up to a maximum of 3 retries. If payment still fails on the last retry, your subscription will be cancelled.